Idealica – do these slimming drops really work? Your reviews

Nowadays living with excess weight certainly means condemning to unpleasant looks and often also to unpleasant comments. However, this is more than just an image problem.

Excess weight generates a real threat to human life. An overstrained heart wears out faster than it should and as a result other organs suffer as well. Because of all that, over the years obese people fall into more and more serious diseases each year.

Get rid of the excess weight, right? Well, we know it’s easy to say, but harder to do. Since for most people it is a huge problem, the supplement market is overflowing with various products. Manufacturers promise miracles, making people pay exorbitant prices for their tablets, and the effects are still measly.

However, our attention was drawn to Idealica. Available in the form of drops, it has a very natural composition, and at the same time it turns out that it also enjoys a good reputation. So, we decided to look at this product a little closer.

What is it?

Much could be written here, quoting various statements of the manufacturer from his official website. We all know, however, that beautiful words rarely translate to real life. So, let us look at them without bias.

Idealica is drops prepared based on natural ingredients, which, according to the manufacturer, are supposed to support the body in burning excess fat tissue. On the site we find information that the composition was developed in a laboratory and found confirmation of its effectiveness in many tests that were conducted. It is worth adding that the product is of European origin. This is important because a supplement produced in the EU must undergo rigorous clinical studies and, above all, it cannot include components dangerous for health.

Even more than a dozen kilos less on the scale after a period of about 4 weeks, of course when the drops are taken regularly. Yes, this product is available in the form of drops, not tablets, which certainly makes it stand out on the market. How is this to be done, you ask? As the manufacturer assures, first of all by speeding up one’s metabolism. At the same time, however, the ingredients are supposed to reduce appetite, thereby making it easier to keep the nutritional regime. To some extent, the drops should also increase one’s energy. They can be appreciated by people who are more physically active or those who for a long time have been trying to motivate themselves to do sports, but are unable to find that inner strength.

And this is about it, regarding the product itself and what the manufacturer says as well as what guarantees he provides. It is time to move on to the specifics, including looking at the composition of the drops.

How to use?

First, however, a few words on how to take them. The principle here is very simple, the drops should be taken daily, twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening during dinner. The manufacturer ensures that during the therapy you do not need to apply any special diet or change your life in terms of physical activity. Well, we would not be so optimistic.

Many negative opinions about supplements come from the fact that customers put too much trust in manufacturers. They take a supplement and do nothing, and, unfortunately, you have to make an effort to obtain good results. Supplements only support slimming and we really encourage you to engage in more physical activity and to change your bad eating habits.

Side effects?

What about the side effects, you ask? Well, it is difficult to say anything reasonable on this subject. The composition is natural – this is beyond doubt, and we will deal with it in a moment. We have not been able to find information related to side effects in the reviews. The manufacturer himself theoretically provides his customers with a safety guarantee. Does it convince you? You must answer this question yourself.


It is time to move on to what you have probably been waiting for most. What is the secret of these drops, so what is in their composition? The manufacturer here puts a spin on some of the ingredient names, providing them in an unfamiliar-sounding format, probably striving for a more professional image. However, we will present facts, and so names of ingredients as you all probably know.

  • rambutan – a plant from the Far East, which breaks down fat making it easier to burn it;
  • cherimoya – primarily speeds up the metabolism;
  • horned melon – the African equivalent of the cucumber we are familiar with, with properties that facilitate digestion;
  • green coffee and tea extracts – more energy, body cleansing and acceleration of fat burning;
  • L-carnitine – ensures more efficient conversion of fat into energy.

It seems to us that this composition does not need to be commented on in detail. It cannot be denied that it is completely natural. You can also see that all of these components have a direct or indirect impact on the weight loss process.

We have already mentioned some reviews, including the fact that we have not been able to find information about the negative effects of the product’s action. But what about the results? Here, the information is quite varied. While some people observe changes after just a few days, others notice the first weight loss after as many as 2 weeks.

One thing is certain, however: most people have confirmed that Idealica actually speeds up losing unnecessary kilograms. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult for us to judge how many of these comments are the work of real clients and how many of marketing companies.

For how much are the drops sold and where to buy them?

There is only one thing left to do, that is saying a few words about the price. About 40$ – this is how much this product costs at the time of writing this article. This is the price after the discount and it is quite a high one, which is 50%. Based on what we have managed to determine, these types of promotions are organized by the manufacturer very frequently. The drops can be ordered in the manufacturer’s official online store, and payment is made only when the product is delivered.

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Idealica - reviews:

  1. I have one question. Can anybody match a good diet to these drops? I have an office job, very little exercise and no time to prepare decent meals, so fast food is a standard for me. Do you know any cool low-cal meals that can be prepared in a short time?

  2. Hey. Any idea if this product prevents the so-called yo-yo effect? Leave a comment if you know.

  3. exactly how many drops should one take? I want to know how long such a little bottle will last 😀

  4. darlings, do brag about your weight loss progress, if I may ask. I’m very curious about the results of this wonder, real ones 😉

  5. What happens when you stop taking them?

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